How to be there for your friend when bad things happen

Bad things will happen to you - losing a job, breaking up with a partner or the death of a loved one. Worse: they will happen to the people you love. Even worse: nobody prepares us how to be there for our loved ones when times are rough. Here are a few things I've learned...

February 11th, 2024|

Vulnerable but impenetrable

Seek to be vulnerable but impenetrable... Trust that, on net, the value in a deeper connection to the world is worth the risk. Ensure that should your vulnerability be taken advantage of, your self is resilient and robust enough to withstand the storm.

January 28th, 2024|

Don’t set goals. Reflect instead.

Maybe after hundreds of hours of reflection and experience, then you can set yourself goals. But, at that point, you are probably already the kind of person who embodies that value. And at that point, of what use is setting a goal to do something to get you to express a value, if the behaviours downstream of that value are already the default ones?

January 21st, 2024|
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