Finding a mentor is hard. The best mentor is someone who went through a similar situation like you: if you want advice on how to write a good PhD thesis, the best person to ask would be someone who just did that, not the retired Nobel Prize winner.
Even harder is finding a mentor for each aspect of your unique life.
Fortunately, with the advent of podcasts and social media, you have access to the private life of a lot of potential mentors. If you can compose an image of your perfect self, you can find people who possess some of your desired qualities. You can then follow those people to see how they think and act. Of course, you will have to navigate the digital landscape with caution as it’s necessary to sift through personas crafted for public appeal to find those that authentically align with the values of your perfect self.
With such an abundant pool of mentors, you can create a panel of judges who can help you when you are faced with a challenge. Ask yourself “What would X do in this situation?”, or “How would Y make this decision?”. Over time, a compilation of the mentors you have chosen in your life – mentors, chosen based on your perfect self – will start taking shape in your mind and heart.
Over time, with the help of your mentors, you will grow to be your perfect self.